Classes in Mevlevi and other forms of whirling are given throughout the year. When students have gained enough proficiency in turning, they are qualified to be initiated as a Semazens which allows them to participate in Sema, the formal ceremony performed by the Mevlevis.
Students must have trained for at least one year before they can be ready for Sema. The turn is challenging in both technique and endurance.
Sheikha Khadija leads a whirling and meditation retreat for those who wish to study more intensively or who live at a distance and cannot attend the weekly classes.
The annual 10 day Women's Hermit Retreat is offered in the Spring. Participants have their own room. Silence and the avoidance of eye contact is observed. There is also an optional daily yoga class and whirling class (for those who are studying the turn) and a morning and evening one hour meditation including a talk.