Dervish Retreat Center



Anniversary Celebration of Mevlana Rumi's Union With the Beloved

If you want to ride the breeze of dawn into eternity
then be as dust under the hoof of the horse of the Dervish

Jelaluddin Rumi

The retreat begins on Friday, December 13 with a 4pm Turn Class followed by dinner, orientation, meditation and talk.

You are welcome to arrive anytime after 1:00pm on Friday. The saunas will be fired up and ready for you!

People traveling by plane may arrive Thursday after 4:00pm for an additional $80 fee.

Saturday-Monday (December 14-16) Schedule
7:00am Meditation
8:30am Breakfast
9:30am Warm Up & Turn Class
11:00am Chores
12:00pm Lunch
1:00-3:00pm Sauna, Walk & Rest
3:15pm Sema Class
5:15pm Dinner
6:30 Meditation & Talk

Tuesday (December 17) Schedule
7:00am Meditation
8:30am Breakfast
9:30am Room Cleaning
10:30am Shebi Arus Celebration
12:00pm Lunch
1:15 - Vacate rooms (A Zen retreat begins in the afternoon!)

The cost will be:

$625 for the retreat and a single room with a bathroom
$500 each for a shared room with bathroom
$400 for commuters

A 10% discount will be applied to registration prior to November 15th

A $100 deposit reserves a space in the retreat. Please make a check payable to:
Dervish Center
and mail to:
Dervish Center
56 Lieb Road
Spencer, NY 14883

We pick up and drop off at the Ithaca, NY airport and bus stations between 8am and 8pm on Thursday and 8am and 3pm on Tuesday.

Other times please Uber or taxi to:
56 Lieb Road, Spencer, NY

I look forward to spending this time with you,

"Be aware. Grace appears suddenly. It comes without warning to an open heart." ~ Rumi

God said to Love, "If not for your beauty, how should I pay attention to the mirror of existence?" ~ Rumi